Our Specialities

The dazzling effect of the Hollywood smile on the red carpet has become a prominent feature in Hollywood. Celebrities and A-listers from various backgrounds and of different ages, dominate the screens and scenes of movies with their gloving pearly whites and glamorous smiles. The lens the media focuses on the Hollywood smile brought intense attention on the impact of teeth. The significance smiles have in portraying your character and accentuating your charisma is monumental.
Unlike the several trends that society imposes on us, having a perfect set of teeth impacts our life. Teeth, aside from their function, serve as an indicator of our general physical and mental health. Owing to the significance of our teeth on our social life, cosmetic dentistry generally, and Hollywood smile specifically, have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years.
How Does The Procedure Work?
Veneers are thin shells that mimic the front of the teeth structure wise. These structures go on the front of teeth to hide aesthetic problems in the smile.
In order to put the structures in place, your dentist will file down your teeth and remove the enamel layer. This creates room for the veneers to be secured on the tooth using cement creating an exterior of perfection.
The structures are customized as per your needs. Meaning, while they’re made in the lab they’ll be crafted based on the measurements your doctor took of your mouth.
Before commencing with veneer placement, your doctor will correct any present issues such as cavities or inflammation. After getting treatment you’ll schedule another appointment for veneer placement.
The procedure occurs under local anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.